What is Plantain Salve good for, you ask? Well, let me tell you about this amazing little plant made by God!
Plantain Salve's anti-inflammatory properties can help soothe irritated skin from conditions like eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. It can also help with sunburn, poision ivy, hives, razor burn and diaper rash.
But what Plantain is best known for is its ability to draw stingers and venom out of the skin from bee stings 🐝 and spider 🕷 bites.
In a world full of synthetic products and chemicals, the best solutions are found in plants that God placed here on this earth 🌎 for us to use. We just have to know where to look and how to properly use them.
Our Plantain Slave is derived from the Plantain herb, not to be confused with the banana like fruit. This particular herb has been used for centuries for its remarkable healing abilities.
Our Plantain Slave is created by infusing dried plantain leaves in jojoba and almond oil. That oil is then blended with 🐝 beeswax and shea butter to create a soothing and versatile salve. This salve is rich in bioactive compounds like allanton and tannis.
Our Plantain Slave boasts anti-inflammatory. Antimicrobial and wound healing properties. This Salve will be one you reach for again and again.
Plantain Salve has been known to soothe itching, reduce swelling, prevent infections, promote healing, reduce pain, calm itchy skin, reduce redness, and moisturize dry skin.
Plantain is also a natural muscle relaxant. It helps reduce muscle inflammation, a primary cause of muscle aches and soreness. It can help your muscles recover quickly by reducing inflammation and promoting blood circulation.
This salve can form a protective barrier over wounds and reduces the risk of infection. Plantain is a natural pain reliver, so it can reduce the pain associated with wounds.
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